Vedic Meditation
What is Vedic Meditation?
Vedic Meditation is an easy mental technique that rests and revitalizes the body and mind and leads to equilibrium and reset of the nervous system. The deep rest achieved is many times deeper than sleep. This allows stored stress to dissolve, revealing previously unknown capacity. Giving us the energy to dive into the rest of our lives and express ourselves creatively and with gusto. We open to new ways of being. And in the process we become more and more like ourselves, the best version of ourselves.
The power of Vedic Meditation lies in its simplicity. You meditate for just a few minutes twice each day. It does not require focus or concentration and it does not require years of practice before you see results. Vedic meditation is completely portable, you can do it anywhere. It is self-sustaining, not requiring apps, headphones, or guided meditation subscriptions. It easily fits into a busy lifestyle. And, even though it is effortless, and requires no concentration, the benefits of the practice are often obvious within the first week.
How does Vedic Meditation work? We use a personalized bija, or ‘seed’ mantra. The Bija mantra is a charming word or sound that is specifically chosen for you. It works via a completely effortless technique using the natural tendency of the mind to seek out greater happiness and fall into quietness and bliss. If you have ever experienced a spontaneous moment of bliss you know this is true. And even if you don’t know what I am talking about, it will still work. As the bija mantra quiets the mind, the body begins to spontaneously repair itself, and stored stresses unwind.
Stored stress manifests as anxiety, repetitive thinking, negative self-talk, health problems and relationship issues. Removing the old stored stress frees the mind of mental clutter; you suddenly have more patience, adaptability, and creativity to interact with all the parts of your life. You feel like you have more time and more space in each day as your productivity increases. You have the energy and clarity of mind to experience the joys of life more fully.
Vedic meditation originated in ancient India as part of a body of knowledge known as the Veda. This is the same ancient knowledge that gave birth to Ayurveda and Yoga. It’s a non-religious practice. Anyone can practice and enjoy Vedic Meditation. It does not require specific beliefs or the adoption of a particular lifestyle. No physical flexibility is required. You just sit comfortably in a chair, eyes closed, and use the mantra to trigger deep rest in the mind and body.
It is an easy and effortless technique that provides revolutionary results.
The Benefits
As we meditate many benefits flow to the mind and body. ‘Fight or flight’ chemistry is replaced with ‘stay and play’ chemistry at a cellular level. Day by day the body’s baseline is converted to one of confidence, happiness, and well-being
a more energetic youthful glow
better concentration and memory
improved ability to focus/less distracted
enliven creativity
interpersonal relationships improve
moving beyond self-limiting beliefs & behaviors
improve reaction times
normalize blood pressure and cholesterol
relief from stress-related disorders: anxiety, depression, fatigue, immune, digestive and reproductive disorders
a general sense of contentment and ease
a feeling of spontaneous happiness and joy